OPEN TODAY FROM 9am-5.30pm

The Greengrocers We’ve All ‘Bean’ Waiting For

Durham City residents and shoppers are thrilled to welcome Anderson’s Greengrocers, a fresh, vibrant addition to the stores here at Prince Bishops Place.

Anderson’s boast an impressive array of high-quality local produce, with shelves that are packed full of goodness. From crisp, colourful fruits to a vast assortment of fresh vegetables, farm-fresh milk, eggs and home-baked bread.

They are quickly becoming the go-to greengrocers for discerning Durham city shoppers and to visitors to Prince Bishops Place, seeking only the finest and freshest ingredients for salads, fruity desserts, summer picnics, and BBQs!

Opening Hours And Location

Monday – Saturday 10:00am – 5:00pm.

Unit 36, High St, Prince Bishops Place, Durham DH1 3NR.